Sunday, January 17, 2010

Friday the 13th the Series Inspiration?

I was watching the 5th Season of The Twilight Zone, specifically the episode called "Living Doll," which stared Telly Savallas as a man in a deadly feud with his step-daughter Christy's new doll. Telly Savallas' character, Eric is an angry, abusive man, who's relationship with his step-daughter and wife is strained. The doll is named "Talking Tina" and says, "My name is Talking Tina and I love you" to everyone except Eric. Tina takes offense to Eric's treatment of Christy and threatens him over and over. She tells him: "My name is Talking Tina and I hate you." and "My name is Talking Tina and I am going to kill you." The episode escalates, until Tina makes good on her threats.

While watching the episode, I could not help but think of the first episode of Friday the 13 the Series, called "The Inheritance." In that episode, we are introduced to the story of Louis Vendredi and how his antiques became cursed. We meet Micki Foster, Ryan Dallon, and Jack Marshak as they start their search to uncover the antiques. The first antique they go after is a talking doll, which was sold to Mr. Simms for his daughter Mary. Mary has a terrible relationship with her step-mother and like Tina, Vita, does not like Mary's step-mother. Vita threatens and kills the step-mother. She does this by first causing her to fall down the stairs and be hospitalized. Then, while at the hospital, she attacks the step-mother and kills her.

While "The Inheritance" is not word-for-word the same as "Living Doll," the plot is the same. I wonder if the writers of Friday the 13th Series had been inspired by The Twilight Zone?

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