Friday, January 8, 2010

The Symbolism of Saw I - The Clock

The only thing clean and new in the bathroom of Saw I is a clock high on the wall. The fact that the clock is new and clean highlights the lack of power that we have over it. We have no control over it at all. We can change way we count and measure time ot the words used to describe it. But time will continue on, indifferent.

Also, many parts of the story are told in flashbacks. There are flashbacks to Jigsaw's original traps - Mark, Paul, and Amanda. A flashback explains how Lawrence was implicated in the murders and how he and Adam were kidnapped. Also, there's another one for what happened when Tapp and Sing meet Jigsaw. This is done deliberatly in order to manipulate point of view of the viewer and the people in the traps. Certain details of the story are revealed only when necessary and others are hidden until the very end.

Time factors in most of Jigsaw's games and this game is no different. The players are given very little time to react to their situations, most likely to force them into making choices. By shocking their consciousness, they are forced to make brutal sacrifices in the blink of an eye or else pay the ultimate price, death.

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