Friday, January 8, 2010

The Symbolism of Saw I - Opposition

Pitting Adam against Dr Gordon is a sort of reenactment of the battle between age and experience and light against dark. Not only is it mirrored in their ages, education, and life experience, but also in their appearances, one has dark brown hair and eyes, the other light blond hair and blue eyes.

In Pagan mythology, two characters, the Oak King and the Holly King are also at odds. The Oak King rules over the light half of the year, when days grow longer. It is the period of the Winter to the Summer Solstice. He would most align in theory and appearance with Dr. Gordon. The Holly King rules over the dark half of the year, when the days grow shorter, during the period of the Summer to Winter Solstice. He would be more like Adam. The Oak and Holly Kings are not enemies, but rather opposing and necessary forces. They balance each other out.

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