Friday, January 8, 2010

The Philosophy of Saw: Introduction

In Saw V, Hoffman makes a very interesting comment during his last discussion with Jigsaw. He says to John: "What's going on with Amanda? I thought you told me that the only way to truly offer enlightenment is by detaching emotionally." I must have heard that line a dozen times, but it wasn't until I had just finished a book about Buddhism and consumerism that it's meaning and implications hit me.

Were they discussing Buddhist belief and philosophy? Then I had to ask myself - was John Kramer a Buddhist and teaching Buddhist philosophy to his disciples? It may sound strange, but I went back to watch the movies again and found an evidence that may support that theory. I want to explore that idea in a series of posts about Saw and Philosophy.

I first should preface these posts by saying that while I am not a Buddhist in belief, but I agree with many of its guidelines and views. I would say that I am a Buddhist/Transcendentalist in thought and action. So, while I have read about and experienced for Buddhism for myself, I am not an expert or a teacher.

But I hope these posts give everyone something to think about when considering the actions and behaviors of our characters.

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